The Electronic Commerce Council of Canada is working on hosting a "bilingual, multi-
industry, centralized catalogue service.." This indicative appears to be sponsored by
the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors.  They are cheer-leaders for ECR
(Efficient Consumer Response) enabling technology.  That means they get to make
big money because they are efficient not because the keep their website up to date. 8-)

> I am seeking comments regarding seamless catalog interoperability, ie. the
> notion of a solution whereby a single action enables the discovery of, and
> subsequent purchase of, an item from dissimilar and commercially unconnected
> catalogs.

I do not know where you can look for details as there is no info (that I can see) on 
the web site. The has no info either.  Any one out there on the
list in the know?

This type of regional / country wide catalogue of products available to trading 
and kept up to date with the 832 (in this case I think a VICS 4010) transaction set
looks interesting.  It would be nice to see it have a web interface too.

Randy Wilson             1(902) 468-9698 ex 42
Systems Admin                   fax 468-3192
Farnell Packaging
30 Ilsley Ave.
Dartmouth, N.S.
B3B 1L3

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