Hello to everyone.
As expected, we have noticed a substantial increase in EDI/EC job openings
since January 00.
Here are some of the things I am working on:

EDI Coordinator/Analyst (Boston area) Gentran Unix and related Unix skills -
up to 70k.

EDI Programmer/Analyst (Boston-west area) Gentran Mainframe and Cobol and/or
JCL skills.

EDI Programmer/Analyst (North N. Jersey)  Gentran Mainframe and Cobol a

EDI Programmer/Analyst (N.NJ and NYC area) AS/400, RPG, Gentran or Premenos
(Harbinger TL400)

EDI Programmer/Analyst

EDI Consultant NYC area: Premenos mapping, short term.

EC Sr. Sales positions in Eastern MA and NYC area.

Please give me a call or e-mail if you are interested in any of these
positions...we also have several positions throughout the Southeast at this

Jason Malone
EDI Specialists, Inc.

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