William J. Kammerer, in a response to Matt Brown's questioning of the origin
of the limitation of 43 YNQ segments within the NX1 loop of the ASC X12
Transaction Set 262 Residential Appraisal Report (since renamed Real Estate
Information Report) entertained us all with the longest implementation of "I
don't know" that Hurd had seen.

Within his message full of characteristic musings and the cleverly disguised
plug for one of the excellent products of FORESIGHT Corporation, was planted
the insidious the phrase, "But you may now be asking: Billy Joe, how in the
world did you know ..."

Those of us who have been subscribers to EDI-L for some time, and who devour
Mr. Kammerer's postings fully will remember a similar snare set out for the
unwary by Mr. Kammerer on December 1 of 1999 in a post wherein he announced
to the list that FORESIGHT was offering free compliance testing.  He
included the phrase 'Now you might ask: "Billy Joe, how in the world do you
offer this valuable testing aid FOR FREE ..."'  to which the unwary Lou
Bedor responded using the suggested poetic moniker, which presumably is
intended to mean the esteemed Mr. Kammerer, who subsequently clarified any
questions we may have by declaring: "'Billy Joe' may seem a fun name, but
unlike the other Billy Joes in southern Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and
Georgia, it doesn't appear on my birth certificate."  Mr. Kammerer also
chided Mr. Bedor for using "undue familiarity."

Now therefore, be forewarned: The use of the unduly familiar name "Billy
Joe" in reference to Mr. William J. Kammerer may best be avoided by those of
us who are not ourselves William J. Kammerer, so as to avoid the appearance
of undue familiarity, and, more importantly, factual error.

Art Douglas
Guy with too much time on his hands.

P.S.  On the Left Coast, we are much more inclined to use nicknames such as
"Snake", "Butcher", or Toxic Waste" than "Billy Joe".

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