I recently took DEDIOUX out of beta and renamed the package OBOE - Open
Business Objects for EDI.  Below is the OBOE press release that went out



Joe McVerry
American Coders, Ltd.
Post Office Box 97462
Raleigh, NC  27624  USA

Developing Internet EDI Applications Using Open Business Objects for

Raleigh, NC - April 24, 2000 - American Coders, Limited announces the
first general release of its product Open Business Objects For EDI
(OBOE).  OBOE translates between several  Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI) document formats and EDI/XML files.  The package is targeted at
legacy EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the Internet
quickly and easily using standards-based technology.

Features and functions available in the OBOE package:
        - Extensive set of classes to translate EDI Documents of different
formats such as
- Methods to transmit EDI using Internet mail protocols.
- An Extensible Markup Language (XML) rules file fuels the OBOE object
building engine.
- Using OBOE's Java-based EDI objects programmers can parse and create
EDI documents with Java applications and applets.

Open Business Objects For EDI  is available with an Open Source license.
American Coders, Ltd also offers an Extended Edition version.  Extended
Edition provides additional classes and methods that validate the
structure and content of EDI documents.

American Coders, has provided the OBOE  beta version, named DEDIOUX,  to
the Internet community for the past 18 months.  During that time over
500 companies and individuals downloaded and evaluated the beta
product.  By releasing the product with an Open Source license,  several
companies have provided the package with enhancements, and integrated
the program with their own systems.  For example, in late March,
Mendelson-E-Commerce GMBH of Germany released its product EAGLE.  EAGLE
uses the DEDIOUX system to convert documents from EDIFact format to SAP
and vice-versa.  In Chicago, ThoughtWorks Inc. uses DEDIOUX to add EDI
integration to enterprise Java systems it is building for its
customers.  OBOE provides these and other companies the tools necessary
to be on the cutting edge of e-commerce and Business-to-Business
application development.

Joe McVerry, CTO of American Coders says, "by us developing the product
with Java and a XML rules based engine our users are able to deliver EDI
systems that are truly platform independent and Internet-ready."  He
goes on to say, "Using an Open Source license allowed us to quickly
reach developers and to be more responsive in handling any bugs that may
show up."

For more information about the product visit the web site at


Joe McVerry, President and Chief Technical Officer
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
Home Of OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI
        xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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