Good Morning List...

I manage an EDI shop that provides a store and forward service.
We use GEIS Enterprise version 6.1 with Application Integrator 2.4 (soon to
be upgraded to 3.1).
We use Forward Link to bring the messages from the internet and eventually
the messages are passed on to the
EDI server using MQ Series.  We have an AIBRIDGE on the front end that takes
the message from MQ, passes it on to
Enterprise, then to the translators (we have 8 running), and we have a
COSBRIDGE on the back end passing the message from AI to Enterprise.
>From Enterprise we have MQ taking the hand-off and out to the TP.

The problem I need addressed (for now), has to do with the tremendously
slooow speed with which the message is passed back to enterprise
on the back end using COSBRIDGE.  When I write slooow, I mean sloooooooow.
We average about 44 minutes per batch of 230 X12 transactions
in one envelope.  That's about 5 messages per minute or 1 every 12 seconds.
We should be around 120 messages per minute or 2-3 messages per second.
We have tried many, many different fine-tuning methods ranging from adding
more RAM (we increased from 512 Mb to 2.5 GB to increasing the stripe on the
disks .  Increasing the RAM did help.  Before the RAM upgrade we were at 1
hr. 44 mins per batch of 230 transactions!

Are there any suggestions out there or has anyone come across a similar
situation who may be able to pass on some useful help?

Lee LoFrisco
Manager, EC Engineering

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