I need to solicit the gracious and timely advice of the List Service
Community.  I am sure that this will potentially have a lot of responses so
please only share something if you can authoriatively speak to the subject.
I am sure this will pertain to many individuals and will hopefully serve as
a wake up call.

I am an indepent consultant that does work for various consulting firms in
the South.  One of the firms I do most of my work for doesn't own any of the
software that it uses.  What they have us tell our cleints is that "we need
a copy of your software to replicate your working environement off site."

I do not know what the laws are concerning this, but when I talked with the
owner of the company, he is convinced that we are not guilty of breaking any
copyright laws since we are "developers" and provide "support".  The problem
is, the software that is obtained from company A is also used to develop
maps for company B.  I am sure we could get company B to "let us replicate
their system" but as far as company B knows, we have our own software.

Is there some type of special consideration I do not know about since we are
"developers" and "tech support"?  I would like to give this guy the benefit
of the doubt.  If any laws are being broken I do not want to have any part
of this.

If we are in violation of any laws, please let me know which ones, and if
you could site any cases along with any possible criminal consequences, I
will see to it that the situation is taken care of.  Also, I am guilty of
anything?  I confronted the situation and was told everything was okay.

THanks in advance.

Sidny James
EDI Consultant,

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