A new release of OBOE Open Business Objects for EDI has been posted on
the American Coders web site.  For more information visit

OBOE translates between several  Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
document formats and EDI/XML files.  The package is targeted at legacy
EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the  Internet quickly
and easily using standards based technology.

Release Notes:

          Reinstituted occurs attribute in segment
          Added required attribute in segment, logic changes in
TransactionSetFactory, TemplateSegment, and Segment
          method Segment isDataElement and isCompositeDE changed to use
instanceof operator.
          added interface IIdentifier
          corrected XMLParser parsing logic
          replaced ParseString methods in XMLParser with
          One of the NumericDE constructors wasn't passing the xmlTag to
its super constructor.
          Renamed Table method getTableSize to getSegmentSize
          Added Segment method getDataElementSize which returns the
number of defined dataelements.
          Added Segment method getSegmentCount which returns the number
of subsegments
          Added Segment method getTemplate which returns the
TemplateSegment used to build the Segment
          Privatized Segment object TemplateSegment Vector
          Changed EDIFact.FixformatTokenizer to use table
getTemplateSegment methods
          Changed parameter order of TransactionSetFactory method
buildTransactionSet(String inTSID, URL inURL), URL used to be the first
          Protected or privatized elements in all classes.
          Corrected javadoc comments

Joe McVerry, President and Chief Technical Officer
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
Home Of OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI
        xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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