A new release of OBOE Open Business Objects for EDI has been posted on
the American Coders web site.  For more information visit

OBOE translates between several Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
document formats and EDI/XML files.  The package is targeted at legacy
EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the Internet quickly
and easily using standards based technology.

OBOE is written in Java. The package comes with an Open Source license.

Release Notes:

Release 1.2.0 May 24, 2000
  1.    Segment and Table class changes
               This makes document building easier.
               Replaced interface ISegmentContainer with abstract class
               Table and Segment classes now extend SegmentContainer
               most if not all subsegment control is found within the
abstract class SegmentContainer
  2.    corrected XMLParser parsing logic
  3.    Segments and CompositeDE changes
               Also added to make it easier when creating a new document
               CompositeDE needed same logic added to Segments in 1.1.0
               CompositeDE sequence attribute missing from DTD/XML files
               TemplateComposites needed XMLTag test method
               Created ICompositeDEContainer Interface
               Static Segments (X12 and EDIFact Header and Trailer types
were setting the DataElements positions incorrectly within a
               Rewrote Segment and CompositeDE logic when dealing with
DataElements and CompositeDEs. Primarily the container was changed
               from a Vector to an array. This required major code
changes in several methods and adding new methods.
  4.        DateDE.java - method for XML output now puts date output as

Joe McVerry, President and Chief Technical Officer
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
Home Of OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI
        xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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