How much of a change are you making to the documents?  Is it only the date
If so, you may want to consider a hard migration.  Send the specs, give 30 days
notice, and change everything over.  Do the same thing with 810s.  The first day
you get the 4010 invoice it will reject, then change the partner.  Give them xxx
days to convert, then be proactive.

Sending two transmissions a day with only one platform will be a real
nightmare.  You'll need to keep reconfiguring the trading partners (all of them)
- the map, the ISA and GS data, identifiers.  Some of your vendors will probably
want test data to a test mailbox or slot.

"Gillette, Jayne" wrote:

>         We are looking for advice on "best practices" in migrating to a new
> version of the EDI standards.  We are as interested in "war stories" as we
> are in best practices, so any related experiences or advice you care to
> share, good or bad, would be welcome and appreciated.
>         Here is a description of our current environment:
>         1.  Our translation software is GENTRAN:Server for the AS/400,
> Version 2.0.  Our VAN is Commerce:Network (Sterling).  We don't do any
> direct connects with any of our trading partners.
>         2.  We do not have a separate test box and have only one copy of our
> translator, so all processing must be done on our production box.
>         3.  We use one network communications ID for all test and production
> transactions, and use internal files to control the actual status of each
> trading partner by document.  We do set the flags within the translator for
> each trading partner, but the translator flags do not drive any of our
> processes.
>         4.  We transmit 850s and 860s (version 3040) to our vendors for
> Distribution Center replenishment purchase orders ("DC POs") only.
>         5.  We do not transmit 850s and 860s for our store-generated
> purchase orders ("Store POs").  Store POs are sent via auto-fax.
>         6.  Most of our vendors who currently receive our DC POs via EDI
> also receive Store POs.
>         7.  We receive 810s (version 3060) for all purchases, regardless of
> whether the corresponding PO was transmitted via EDI or not.
>         Here is what we want to do:
>         1.  Continue to transmit DC PO transactions (850s and 860s) to all
> trading partners as "production" in version 3040.
>         2.  Begin transmitting same DC PO transactions (850s and 860s) to
> all trading partners as "test" in the new version (would probably occur in
> the same transmission as the production transactions).
>         3.  Begin transmitting Store PO transactions (850s and 860s) to all
> trading partners as "test" in the new version only.  NOTE:  Store POs
> contain additional information not currently found on our DC POs, so store
> POs will contain additional EDI segments and elements.
>         4.  After a specified period of time, we would drop version 3040 for
> all trading partners, and transmit documents only in the new version.
>         5.  We will probably migrate to a new version for 810s after our 850
> / 860 migration is complete, but we would still appreciate advice on version
> migration for inbound documents, too.
>         Is this feasible?  What is the best way to accomplish this without
> disrupting the production processes (ours and our vendors')?  What words of
> wisdom do you have for us?  Thank you in advance for whatever information
> and advice you can provide.
>         Sincerely,
>         Jayne
> Jayne Gillette, EDI Coordinator
> Heilig-Meyers Furniture - Richmond, VA
> (804) 784-7557
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Brian Lehrhoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
EDI Consultant
DynamicWeb Enterprises
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