Sure, here it is:
This is the textbook definition (per GB Tradacoms Guidelines):

1.      Starting with the right hand digit of the number (excluding the
check digit), sum all the alternate values, reading from right to left.
2.      Multiply the result of Step 1 by 3.
3.      Sum all the remaining digits
4.      Add the result of Step 2 to the result of step 3.
5.      The check digit is the smallest figure which must be added to this
sum to reach a multiple of 10.

For example, to calculate the check digit of the number 501234567890

1.      0 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 0 = 20
2.      20 X 3 = 60
3.      5 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 30
4.      60 X 30 = 90
5.      C = 0

I have a VB function that calculates this digit.  It's based on a the 12
digit EAN code being passed to the function as a parameter called "EAN12".
Here it is:

    Dim dblOdds As Double
    Dim dblEvens As Double
    Dim dblSum As Double
    Dim dblFactor As Double

    dblEvens = Val(Mid(EAN12, 12, 1)) + Val(Mid(EAN12, 10, 1)) +
Val(Mid(EAN12, 8, 1)) + Val(Mid(EAN12, 6, 1)) + Val(Mid(EAN12, 4, 1)) +
Val(Mid(EAN12, 2, 1))
    dblOdds = Val(Mid(EAN12, 11, 1)) + Val(Mid(EAN12, 9, 1)) +
Val(Mid(EAN12, 7, 1)) + Val(Mid(EAN12, 5, 1)) + Val(Mid(EAN12, 3, 1)) +
Val(Mid(EAN12, 1, 1))

    dblSum = (dblEvens * 3) + dblOdds

    dblFactor = 1000 - dblSum

    checkdigit = Right(Str(dblFactor), 1)

In the above example it would work as follows:

1.      dblEvens = 20
2.      dblOdds = 30
3.      dblSum = (20*3)X30 = 90
4.      dblFactor = 1000 - 90 = 910
5.      checkdigit = 0

checkdigit is passed back to the calling subprodedure.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Hughes [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 8:21 AM
> Subject:      EAN numbers
> Hello.
> Could anybody out there please send me the calculation on how an EAN
> number is calculated.
> In particular I need to work out the check digit on the end if I already
> have a 12 digit code.
> Thanks.
> Chris Hughes.
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