Janette, agree.  A synopsis of this legislation would be helpful to
understand.  For all other list subscribers who are interested in Electronic
Commerce legislation (including the newly passed Millennium Digital Commerce
Act S.761), you can go to the McBride Baker and Coles website for a complete
review of all legislation and summaries (http://www.mbc.com/ecommerce.html)
Randy Bear
USAA - I/T Architecture
Phone: (210) 913-2142   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of USAA...


Thanks for the notification. As a service to EDI-L, would you provide a
brief synopsis of the key points in this law? I seriously doubt that many of
us have time to read through legislation that in my experience if often
quite lengthy and full of phrasing, etc. that make is difficult for the lay
person to quickly comprehend.


> Dear folks,
> Two years ago, I seeked for an opinion from this mailing list on the
> Philippines' proposed Electronic Commerce Law.
> Yesterday, Philippines President Joseph Ejercito Estrada
> finally signed
> Republic Act 8792 or The Electronic Commerce Act into law.
> To the EDI-L people who shared their inputs and opinion,
> thank you very
> much.
> For those who would like to view the law, please visit the
> legal section
> of http://www.digitalfilipino.com.
> Thank you again.
> Janette Toral
> Founder/President
> Philippine Internet Commerce Society
> ==============================================================
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