
> Is anybody using the element (1705) that came out in the ST segment in X12
> 4020?

Absolutely - it is an important piece of information !

> I am interested in a real world application of the use of this element and
> why it was added since there are the last 6 bytes of element 480 in the GS
> which seem to serve the same purpose?

The first thing to say is that the last 6 characters of GS08 are just about
useless to man or beast.  The Federal Gov't tried to enforce their use in
a particular coded way, but has since retreated since their proposed code
effectively blocked the whole code space.

The main reason why ST03 was added is because the GS08 field applies to
the whole functional group, and not to individual transactions within the
group.  Why should this be significant ?  Well, to start with there are
many transport messages which all share the same functional group code so
can ride together in the same functional group.

More importantly, we have the 102 transaction set, Associated Data, which
has the interesting property that it can be placed within _any_ functional
group.  The way this is typically used is that a party wishing to place
an engineering component out for manufacture will send out the usual 840
TS with the main details, and enclose a 102 in the same functional group
that carries the CAD drawings of the component as a binary file.  Or a
company will issue a catalogue in an 832 TS, and send along with it a
series of pictures/photographs of the products in a number of 102 TSs
in the same functional group.

Now clearly, the main transaction (840, 832) and the associated 102
transaction don't have the same impelementation convention, being
different transactions, so the IC reference has to be carried at the
ST level rather than the GS.

The ST03 element is also a lot larger (at AN..35) than the available
space in GS08 (AN..6), so allowing a sensible file or repository
reference to be carried.

Jonathan Allen             | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: 01404-823670
Barum Computer Consultants |                             | Fax:   01404-823671

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