
A quick check at the egroups site doesn't intrigue me. At that site, where
I'd have to go to get the messages I'd be bombarded with ads, etc.
Furthermore, I'm not sure, but it appears to me that I would have to go to
that site and then logon and then find and read messages.

I much prefer the current method of passive email delivery to me.

Thanks for asking.


This is a message from the list owner.

Is there interest in transferring the list site to eGroups?  (See for details of what eGroups is and how it works.)

I don't have a clear idea of pros and cons, but there may be someone in
EDI-L who can tell us.

To signoff the EDI-L list,  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To subscribe,               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives at

To signoff the EDI-L list,  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To subscribe,               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives at

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