Anthony Whitehead, of Seeburger, Inc., wrote: "Has anyone heard of a VAN
called Global Supplier Communications?  If so do you know if they have a
web page?  I need to [know] how I can connect with them.  Can I connect
via the internet or a RAS dial-up? Any information would be useful!"

Dear Anthony:

Global Supplier Communications is not listed among the VANs in the
Uniform Code Council's list of EDI Network Providers in their EDI
Service Provider Directory at

Are you sure it's a VAN?   And anyway, isn't this like an ordinary
telephone subscriber asking "Has anyone heard of GTE?  Grandma's a
customer of theirs, but I'm on Ameritech.  Does anyone know how to get
hold of GTE so I can call Grandma?"  Given the routing information in
the ISA or UNB, any VAN should be able to properly set up the
interconnect to another - I thought that was part of the "Value" in
Value Added Network.

There's another possibility that Global Supplier Communications is a
captive supplier network like the Automotive Network eXchange.

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
+1 614 791-1600

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