I spoke to Marc Dittmer, Nancy Bowen's replacement as manager of customer
service, and he told me they did take the Harbinger listserver offline
because of our conversations related to contract issues.  They then decided
to add some functionality to it, but had difficulties getting it back up.
Marc said the listserver is a low priority but they thought about backing
out the changes and trying to bring it up.

Marc, nicely, informed me that the listserver is for discussion of product
installation and usability issues and not contract issues.
Eric Stengel
EDI / Electronic Commerce Systems Specialist
telephone: 314-554-4745
fax: 314-554-3571

Ameren Services Company
One Ameren Plaza, MC 204
St. Louis, MO  63166-6149

a subsidiary of Ameren Corporation

http://www.ameren.com <http://www.ameren.com/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Alla Levkov (05-021) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: E-Version 5

We've just received a copy for NT and will not upgrade at least until
September.  The sales rep said to me that most of the people tabled the
upgrade for now because of the remaining Y2K issues (!?), moratorium on
changes, etc.  So, nobody is upgrading yet.

Harbinger either shot down their list server or took me off the list, but I
have not received any mail from the list after the discussion of their
contracts.  Does anybody receive mail from the Harbinger listserver?

Alla Levkov
Pinkerton Security
tel.    818.380.8892

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Bob Scheuermann [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
Sent:   Thursday, July 06, 2000 7:52 AM
Subject:        Re: E-Version 5


The list has been reluctant to disclose how well/poorly the upgrades gave
gone for e-V5.  I've posted a few requests for feedback on the AS400 upgrade

and have received nothing from the list.  So, it has gone well for everyone,

or no one is upgrading, or it is so bad no one wants to talk about

Harbinger's web site bulletin board also provides little feedback on the

Good luck on your migration.

Bob Scheuermann
EDI Analyst
Mentholatum Co.
716-677-2500 xt 1519

-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Marthaller [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 6:53 PM
Subject: E-Version 5

I was just handed our new E-version 5 s/w from Harbinger. We are on an NT
platform. Has anyone else upgraded yet? Please, please, please don't let me
be the first to do so.

I want to hear glowing reports on how well the upgrade went for someone

Dale Marthaller
David Oppenheimer Group
(604) 435-1386

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