Dear EDI-L:

If you are responsible for implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) transaction sets, DISA and EDI Partners have an important training opportunity for you. DISA and EDI Partners are offering a two-day seminar, Introduction to Health Care EDI Standards, at two times and locations over the summer:

Los Angeles, 20-21 July
Arlington, Va. (Washington, DC area), 17-18 August

The seminar will enable health care professionals and information systems to identify and discuss key concepts of HIPAA. Participants will also engage in hands-on exercises involving health care and financial transactions. The curriculum covers the following topics:

Day one sessions:
1. Introduction to Health Care EDI
This session introduces the basic concepts, components and definitions of EDI and its usage within the healthcare industry. The session identifies the benefits of implementation, and the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
2. Introduction to Health Care EDI Standards
This session introduces the basic syntax of ANSI X12 standards. The discussion then focuses on how the ANSI X12 standards form the basis of the Health Care Implementation guidelines. The discussion focuses on examples of EDI documentation utilize by the health care industry.
3. Getting Ready for Mapping
This session helps develop an understanding of the logic process required to master Healthcare EDI implementation. This session steps attendee through a comprehensive example using the (837) health care industry professional claim.
4. Continuation of 837 Claim Exercise
This session completes the example that was started during session 3.
5. ANSI X12 Envelopes
This session identifies the detailed content of the EDI envelopes, which are currently in use. It identifies how these envelopes are used in different EDI environments. It also stresses how the envelopes assist the EDI user address audit and control requirements It includes an exercise in which the participants create an envelope consistent with the claim exercise. The topic will be presented on day one. The exercise will be completed at the beginning of day two.

Day two sessions:
1. Envelope Exercise
This session will use the 837 claim exercise and the envelope instruction developed on day one as the basis of an example of the various layers of ANSI X12 envelopes.
2. ANSI X12 Acknowledgments
This session provides a detailed description of the documentation of the functional acknowledgment and the interchange acknowledgment. Several examples of each are discussed. The session also provides discussion of how the acknowledgment provides a valuable audit tool.
3. Introduction to Financial EDI
The concepts and definitions used in financial EDI are reviewed, and distinguished from electronic funds transfer. The concept of PATH is stressed in this session. Several examples of PATH variations are discussed. This discussion concludes with a discussion of the barriers to implementation of financial EDI.
4. Remittance Advice for Health Care
This session is a working session. Attendees are lead through an exercise using Health Care Implementation Guidelines, to develop the structure of the 835 transaction set.
5. Advanced Health Care EDI Topics

This session will cover three advanced topics on Health Care EDI. First we will discuss how to request changes or enhancements to the HIPAA implementation guides. Second we will review the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission's (EHNAC) Standard Transaction Format Compliance System, which you can use to test your transaction to see if they are compliant with the HIPAA implementation guides. Lastly we will discuss technologies you can use to secure your transmissions over the Internet.
Participants who successfully complete this seminar may earn 1.5 CEU credits.
Cost: Member: $765.00, Non-Member: $850.00
Members of ASC, ISO/TC 154 U.S. TAG, ISO/IEC JTC SC32 U.S. TAG are eligible for member fee.

For more information and to register online, see or contact Ginger Smith, [EMAIL PROTECTED]/703-837-6186. .

Lisa D. Clowers
Vice President, Public Affairs
Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA)
333 John Carlyle Street
Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
(p) 703-518-4176
(f) 703-548-5738

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