Chuck Boucos wrote:

> The following 997 was received by a client of mine. Can anyone please
> comment as to the legality of this 997, specifically with regard to the TA1
> segment? I'm not referring to common usage..I realize that including a TA1
> is not at all 'normal'. My problem is that my software is abending with an
> error message of 'Segment out of sequence' and the Support folks are saying
> that the TA1 segment does not go between the ISA and GS, which I really
> don't believe. I guess I'm looking for verification that this transaction is
> technically correct, and I appreciate any responses.
> ISA*00*          *00*          *12*99999999       *01*009999999
> *000724*0817*U*00400*000000304*0*P*>
> TA1*000000012*000724*0847*A*000
> GS*FA*999999999*999999999*20000724*0817*3*X*004010
> ST*997*000000003
> AK1*IN*72408748
> AK2*810*0011
> AK5*A
> AK2*810*0012
> AK5*A
> AK9*A*2*2*2
> SE*8*000000003
> GE*1*3
> IEA*1*000000304


Version 004010 of X12.5, paragraph 3.5 states:

3.5 Order of Control Segments
The interchange prepared by the interchange sender shall occur in the order as
listed in Figure 3. (See explanations of field heading that follow figure 4.)

Seg.    Name                         Req.   Max
 ID                                  Des.   Use
ISA     Interchange Control Header   M       1
ISB     Grade of Service             O       1
ISE     Deferred Delivery Request    O       1
TA1     Interchange Acknowledgment   O      >1
-       Functional Groups (see note) O  99,999
IEA     Interchange Control Trailer  M       1

Figure 3: Order of the Interchange Segments for Interchange Sender

NOTE: In the diagram above, the functional group is not an interchange component
of this standard but appears in this figure to
establish positioning for the functional groups. Zero, one, or more than one
interchange acknowledgments may appear in one
interchange. Zero, one, or more than one functional groups may appear in one
interchange. However, at least one interchange
acknowledgment or functional group must appear in an interchange for an
interchange sender.

In other words, the interchange you received is correctly constructed.  Your
support guys need to read the book.

On the other hand, this could all be avoided if your partner stops sending the
TD1.  According to the standard (X12.5 para 3.2.2), if the original interchange
ISA 13, Acknowledgement Requested element is populated with zero (no
acknowledgement requested), instead of 1( Interchange Acknowledgement
Requested), then your partner shall not send the TD1.

Whether they comply would depend on whether their support staff ignores the book
as badly as your support staff.

Hope this helps.

Art Douglas
Have Laptop - Will Travel

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