Chuck Boucos said:
> Can anyone please comment as to the legality of this 997, specifically
> with regard to the TA1 segment?

By my understanding, an interchange contains either functional groups,
or TA1/TA3 segments, but not both.  So this particular combination,
delightful though it might otherwise be (but see below), is not a
legal combination.

> My problem is that my software is abending with an error message of
> 'Segment out of sequence'

Where does is abort ?  If it throws out the TA1 before getting to the
GS, then you have a broken translator.  If it complains about the GS
having processed the TA1 then I would say that while the error message
you have been given is singularly unhelpful and the translator vendor
could do with a lesson in man/machine interface techniques, it is
nevertheless technically correct.

> the Support folks are saying that the TA1 segment does not go between
> the ISA and GS, which I really don't believe.

My reading is that they are correct.  TA1s and/or TA3s go between an
ISA and an IEA, but may not share an interchange with any functional

> ISA*00*          *00*          *12*99999999       *01*009999999      
> TA1*000000012*000724*0847*A*000
> GS*FA*999999999*999999999*20000724*0817*3*X*004010
> <snip>
> GE*1*3
> IEA*1*000000304

As a footnote, it is also worth pointing out that the sending translator
which assembled this interchange seems to have trouble counting.  When
TA1/TA3 segments are sent in an interchange, the count in the IEA segment
is the count of the TA1/TA3 segments; when functional groups are carried
then the IEA count is the count of functional groups (GS/GE pairs).  If
this translator has it in its head that it can combine a TA1 and a
functional group in the same interchange, it should at least have counted
both and set the IEA count to 2 !

Jonathan Allen             | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: 01404-823670
Barum Computer Consultants |                             | Fax:   01404-823671

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