----- Original Message -----
Carlos M. Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked..

> I am looking for a PC(windows/linux/other?)-based translator that I can
> interface with several back-end accounting systems for my client base....

Mercator Software's Trading Partner PC/32 is a nice entry-level system, and
I know they market FTP add-ons to complement the "canned" VAN access. (Not
recommended by me for 'fully-automated' operations). Runs on Win/32 or NT,
even though parts of it are still 16-bit.

TPPC/32 comes with standard flat file extracts and even screen interfaces if
you need to hand-key outbound (or tweak inbound) documents before
getting/putting to/from an interface file for all ANSI ASC X.12 standards.
(Don't know about canned XML mapping). Has 997 generation and even a basic
reconciliation  subsystem, user-defined report writing (cryptic scripts!),
and all in all is a pretty good value.

Check it out at www.mercator.com, but about all that can really tell you is
the phone number for the sales department. They are nice folks and can send
you a brochure. TPPC/32 goes for about $2K  (two kilobucks) which is about
the best price you can get for something which does all this.

Michael C. Mattias
Tal Systems
Racine WI

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