At 09:19 AM 08/28/2000 -0500, Fangmeier, Doug wrote:
>Computerization of the international trade process was underway in the
>early 80's under the auspices of multiple agencies (the TDCC, the UN,
>etc.).  The port authorities were implementing the processes using
>public networks (Tymnet, GEIS, IBM, etc.) and private network solutions
>in the mid to late 80's.  All he's done is changed the transport vehicle
>and I doubt if he was the first to think of it.
>I would be surprised if he obtained a patent.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't.  The PTO has lost its collective mind in the
last few years, granting patent after patent to computerized processes
which are obvious to skilled practitioners and which have easily found
evidence of prior art.  It's hard to pick out one as a shining example of
stupidity, but the patent granted on the "windowing" method of dealing with
Y2K date issues certainly ranks highly.


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