Title: IBM Dialer for Harbinger Trusted Link for Windows 5.1
I'm working with a client on Harbinger's Trusted Link Windows 5.x  (we've tried them both), and never could get the IBM dialer to work!   Harbinger actually couldn't get any of their dialers to work and we had to resort to a dial-up networking connection.  The reason we upgraded to 5.x was because the Part # Cross-Reference function wasn't working on 4.3.4.  But Harbinger hasn't been able to get it to work on 5.x either.  Is anyone successfully using the Part # Cross-Reference funtion on TLW???

Karen Hansen  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
REMEDI Consulting Company

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ilia Chlaifer
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 10:04 AM
Subject: IBM Dialer for Harbinger Trusted Link for Windows 5.1

For all Trusted Link for Windows users, thinking about upgrading to Version 5.1:
There is a bug in IBM Dialer in Harbinger's current distribution package of Version 5.1.
The IBM Dialer simply doesn't work:-)
I have called a Customer Service and they are emailing me a 'fix'.
They've confirmed that it is a 'common' problem, however you will not find any information about it on the Harbinger's Website.

Just thought you would like to know.

> Ilia Chlaifer
> EDI Coordinator
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