Thanks to all that responded - this list really works!

-----Original Message-----
From: Eliot Muir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: Java based data transformation tool - UGGH!

I don't think pure Java engines are terribly smart move
either from performance or from a long term support

Java is still a proprietary language unlike C++ which
has been ANSI standardised.  If in 2-3 years from now
Java flops then companies depending on pure Java
engine implementations will have a legacy problem - the
VM is very much an operating system platform in itself
even though it might be virtual.

As a vendor we made the decision for now to support
Java using an API.  It makes a lot more sense since
we can use our fast, tested and reliable ANSI C++ engine
and we only have to continue to maintain one code base.

Our approach gave us the edge on our competition
recently when we sold Chameleon to the Health Insurance
Commission in Australia.  Our product worked when they
downloaded it and the competition's pure java offering
didn't because it hadn't be tested with the version of
Java that the HIC was running.

Long term I feel much more comfortable ethically selling
an API on our C++ engine to Java customers since I
know as a company we'll be able to continue economically
supporting them even if Java dies in the marketplace.

Of course if Java does become the winning standard
language (and Sun finally gives it to an ANSI committee)
we'll probably ditch the C++ engine and port the whole
lot to Java.  I'll believe it when I see it though.  There
are still some smart companies still running nice
well engineered C code which they've happily ported
from old mainframes on to Windows NT etc. now.

Eliot Muir, Technical Director                 iNTERFACEWARE
ICQ# 73674543
Voice 1-416-8207050

Makers of iNTERFACEWARE Chameleon
   "Program to the iNTERFACE not the implementation"

-----Original Message-----
From:   Andy Sicignano [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, October 12, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject:        Re: Java based data transformation tool - UGGH!

Java is not an emulation tool; it is a language whose execution speed has
steadily improved to the point where it can be used for mission-critical
applications.  Furthermore, although an XML file may contain five times the
number of bytes as an equivalent X12 file, there are some benefits that you
shouldn't overlook.


Anthony Beecher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU> on 10/11/2000
06:19:49 PM

Please respond to Anthony Beecher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  Electronic Data Interchange Issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Java based data transformation tool - UGGH!

I have been at a loss to understand why anyone would want a transformation
tool that executes under the Java VM environment.

How would my peers react if I said that I wanted to run a critical business
process in my Amiga Emulator running on a PC.  Silly right?  Why would you
sacrafice the speed of running transformation under native code for running
your transformations under a layer of emulation; i.e. Java's VM (Virtual
Machine).  It is as silly.
ddress.  This is why I ruled out Webmethods and their like...

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