Suggest you send SAP messages to SAP-EDIFAQ.
Answers below

                > Does HTLW work with integration to SAP?
                PW : don't know, but you should be able to do it as the flat
file is nothing very special.
                 It is just not documented that well.
                The issues with doing this comes down to the level of
integration they want and your knowledge of idocs.
                If they want the idoc to change status in SAP based upon
what occurs at the translator you will have to program to generate the
status message.

                You should really understand SAP idocs well before
attempting this or be prepared to spend time learning.
                Be aware that you will have to modify this interface each
time there is an upgrade/OSS note which effects this idocs.

                Does it work well - e.g. would anyone recommend it?  I know
that Harbinger has taken quite a bashing lately for lack of support.
                PW : don't know

                Does the SD product provide ANSI X12 and EDIFACT standard
transaction sets?
                PW : don't know

                Does the product provide any capability to create an
application layout using a downloaded SAP Idoc format?
                PW : don't know
                Is the communication package necessary to get stuff into and
out of SAP?
                PW : If you want guaranteeed communication  you will have to
invest some time setting up your FTP to monitor the queues.
                As long as the volume is low there will probably be minimal
                SAP allows you to save an idoc to a file with message
type/date/minute/second/millisecond stamp

                Does it cost anything to upgrade to HTLW version 5.1?
                PW : don't know

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carl Galgano [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 1:07 AM
> Subject:      Re: Harbinger Trusted Link for Windows and SAP
> The TLW 4.3 product will produce a flat file to EDI and vice versa.  The
> files may not be in the IDOCS format, but that should be a pretty easy
> programming effort.
> cjg
> Carl J. Galgano
> EDI Consulting Services, Inc.
> 540 Powder Springs Street, Suite C19
> Marietta, GA  30064
> (770) 422-2995 - voice
> (419) 730-8212 - fax
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <>
> AS400 EDI, Networking, E-Commerce and Communications Consulting and
> Implementation
> <>
> Premium Ice Cream Brands shipped Overnight
> "You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know" - rw
>       -----Original Message-----
>       From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis L. Boynton
>       Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 10:35 AM
>       Subject: Harbinger Trusted Link for Windows and SAP
>       All,
>       Due to changing clients, I've been off the listservs for a week or
> so.  I'm still not sure if I'm back onto SAPFAQ or not, their signon
> procedure has gotten longer as they try to keep recruiters off the list.
> Please send any replies directly to me, as well as the list, that way I'm
> sure to get them.
>       My client is a SME (small to medium enterprise) that is just
> implementing SAP 4.6 on an NT platform.  That have been using Harbinger
> Trusted Link for Windows 4.3 (HTLW) with their legacy system.  This system
> receives EDI messages and prints them.  To send out EDI, the data needs to
> be manually put into a screen for translation.
>       Harbinger tells them that they need to purchase a product called SD
> Mapper (?) in order to translate EDI to Idocs and visa-versa.  Harbinger
> also recommends some communication package to talk to/from SAP.  Both seem
> somewhat expensive, and the maintenance fees are exorbitant.
>       Questions:
>       Does HTLW work with integration to SAP?
>       Does it work well - e.g. would anyone recommend it?  I know that
> Harbinger has taken quite a bashing lately for lack of support.
>       Does the SD product provide ANSI X12 and EDIFACT standard
> transaction sets?
>       Does the product provide any capability to create an application
> layout using a downloaded SAP Idoc format?
>       Is the communication package necessary to get stuff into and out of
> SAP?
>       Does it cost anything to upgrade to HTLW version 5.1?
>       Thanks in advance,
>       Denny Boynton
>       SAP/EDI Consultant
>       DeViream Associates, Inc
>       413 256-8645

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