Betty, et al.

Let me recommend DISA's EC/EDI Implementation seminar, offered 18-19
October (this week) and 29-30 November in Alexandria, Virginia (Washington,
DC area), and led by EDI veteran Rachel Foerster.

for details and registration.  Feel free to contact me if you have
questions.  Best regards.

Alan Kotok
Director, Education and Information Resources
Data Interchange Standards Association
+1 703-518-4174
** DISA's E-Business and Internet Conference, 7-9 March 2001, in San Francisco. **

At 11:38 AM 10/16/00 -0700, Smith, Betty wrote:
>Does anyone know of any good trading partner classes?    We want to share
>best practices with other industries and learn more about successful
>management of numerous trading partners.  Your suggestions are appreciated.
>Betty Smith
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