I've heard very good things about the EC Edge classes for that purpose.

Garry N. Loss
Account Executive

QRS Corporation
1400 Marina Way South
Richmond, CA  94804

office phone:          949.481.1970
primary fax:           510.621.3941
secondary fax:       949.481.1971
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-----Original Message-----
From: monica swafford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Trading Partner classes?

Hi Betty,

I saw your posting and wanted to let you know that
my company (EC Edge) is offering the type of classes
you are looking for.
Our next two classes are Nov 2 and Dec 7 in Los
Angeles, CA.  The classes focus on teaching tools used
to track your Trading Partner implementation,
executive reporting, auditing, project planning,
communication, as well as other management skills.
You can get more information about the classes on
our website at www.ecedge.net.

Thank you,

Monica Swafford
EC Edge EDI Training and Solutions

--- "Smith, Betty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of any good trading partner
> classes?    We want to share
> best practices with other industries and learn more
> about successful
> management of numerous trading partners.  Your
> suggestions are appreciated.
> Betty Smith
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