Myself (and many other sales reps, managers etc) have been listening to all
the discussion back and forth between our users and former users and we have
been taking the appropriate actions internally to address the issues brought
up.  One of the main reasons I (and I would presume others) have not
responded to the group as a whole is that I have been a member of many many
lists in the past and I like to see an open discussion on both sides without
sales/marketing fluff.  Typically when a salesperson comes on and tries to
defend or promote their product they are immediately told that this is not a
proper forum for that type of activity and I agree.  I am in sales and this
is NOT a sales list.  It is a discussion list and therefore it is for
discussing the merits (and demerits) of various products between end users.
I am not here to shamelessly market my product, or tell you that my product
is the best thing since sliced bread and how our competition has many of the
same problems or various and sundry other problems, but rather to address
issues with my own customers who might not want to mention their problems
directly to me so that I can better service them and contact them offline
and off list.  It is also a great way to see how our products are being used
in the marketplace and what our competition is doing in order to improve our
own product.

Bottom line is that I did not feel it was proper for me to address the list
as a whole given my position in the company since, as I have already
mentioned, this is not a sales list but a discussion list.  However rest
assured that we ARE listening and we ARE taking actions where appropriate.
Other than stating that I can't really comment on specific cases that I am
not involved in.  I do take this list very seriously and attempt to rectify
any problems and escalate issues properly within our organization.

On a side note I have noticed that quite a few of the negative comments have
been coming from phantom email adresses such as yahoo and hotmail.  Who
knows who these people are?  I cannot respond effectively to someone who
hides behind a secondary/hidden email address in order to bash my product
without specific details about their particular situation.  If any of you
with those sorts of addresses would like to discuss particular issues
offline I wouldn't mind taking the time to at least direct you to the right
person if I am not your rep.

Finally, I am not here to get into a huge argument with anyone so my
responses will likely be limited at best.  I just felt it was time for
someone from the Sales force to give you some sort of a response.  Thanks
for your time.

Matt Park
Account Executive
Peregrine's E-Business Connectivity Group
Fax: (404) 467-3365
Phone: (800) 555-2989 ext. 3365

Legal Note: The above message reflects my personal opinion and does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of Peregrine, Inc. or its employees.

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