Quoted text is from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
nmelle.com>, by USA, Davis, Carla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Even though I have never worked with any Harbinger product, it saddens me to
>read all the negativity in these emails.  I thought they used to be pretty
>good.  How the mighty have fallen.

Harbinger became more visible in the UK when they bought a well known UK
EDI company a couple of years ago. They pulled support for that
company's existing products, and tried to migrate the customer base to
alternatives poorly suited to the UK market.

I view this with mixed feelings. One the one hand, it was most
unfortunate for the customer base and not terribly good for the
reputation of EDI in general. On the other, it did provide opportunities
for Harbinger's competitors as the customer base migrated itself to
other products. As one of those competitors ......

Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
EDIMatrix Ltd  +44 (0)20 8559 2454 (work)
               +44 (0)20 8559 2497 (fax)

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