        Nothing personal, as you are probably doing your best.  Time and time again
any kind of group client customer discussion comes up on edi-l and tle-list it
get's squashed shortly.  Would there be an appropriate open forum to discuss
peregrine/harbinger tle issues openly and professionally?  I Think there would
be some value in some open group discussion vs. everybody calling their sales
rep and leaving voicemails.   Sometimes what happens is a customer says "My
screen turns purple" the sales rep would say "it doesn't happen to anybody
else, must be you."  Meanwhile other customers out there have screens turning
purple.  It would help Peregrine and the customer to have Peregrine realizing
the issue earlier.   The closest thing I can think of is the Harbinger user
meetings, but when was the last time we had one of those?  One would have to
wait a whole year for that.  Could harbinger add another list or the user
group add a discussion list?  Think of it as tle-list for business issues
instead of technical issues.
        If you are concerned it would turn into a bashing contest, make it a
invitational list like tle-list.  If it is a bashing contest it would be from
confirmed customers, then something it wrong there, but then again tle-list
hasn't turned out to be a bashing contest.
        This is not a passing issue it has been on people minds for a long time.


Thanks Cliff.  I would strongly advise that if technical support issues are
not being handled properly that you contact your immediate account rep.  We
have internal processes in place for this.  As to your specific list I know
#4 is being worked on.  The other 3 I can forward on to the appropriate
internal folks.  Thanks all for the lively discussion today.  The best I can
say is that we are working on these problems on a daily basis (and I am
entirely serious about this).  I will now revert back to my trolling mode
since I have to get my work done.

Matt Park
Account Executive
Peregrine's E-Business Connectivity Group
Fax: (404) 467-3365
Phone: (800) 555-2989 ext. 3365

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