> What in the world are you doing with 1,000 Mentor maps?
> I've been in some very large EDI shops and have yet to come across any
> more
> than 100 maps.
We're not very big, but you can't have forgotten that quickly...   ;-{)

122 /opt/edi/maps> ls *.map | wc -l

> I can't imagine a business scenario that requires that many maps.  Please
> elaborate.
> On the original thread, what are our alternatives?  Seems like 5 years is
> reasonable to keep the existing lftran program alive if their
> are overall benefits to the new architecture.  Having never used the NT
> version of the mapper, I hear it is more robust than it's UNIX
> counterpart.
> However, I'm still batting for keeping the core server tools in UNIX.
> Where
> are you going to get so much flexibility and portability?
That's all well and good except for this as-yet unanswered question:

Will they sunset the old version of the standalone mapper before the 5 year
window closes?   You know that's what everybody will end up doing, and it's
exactly what Sterling won't want them to do -- they'll deploy the standalone
mapper on the developers' PCs (if they have PCs, that is) and continue
making changes to the "legacy" maps instead of the alternative.  And
remember what the alternative is: you will not be able to modify the maps at
all.   No changes whatever unless you make the supreme effort to recode the
whole thing.

I guarantee that when the final release comes out, the use of the standalone
5.x mapper to support "legacy" maps will be an "unsupported" configuration.
It behooves Sterling to force people to change, but Newton's law of inertia
obtains here.

Frankly, after staring in horror at each version of the mapper that has come
out, I relish the chance to use anything else.  LOL

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