In a message dated 10/26/00 11:07:19 AM Central Daylight Time,

<< The only advantage of supporting a XML format at the current time is that
 it is cheaper to implement for small partners. They can easily print a XML
 document for manual handling for practically nothing.

My question, in this case, why spend the money to develop XML at all.  Just
send a fax or put the document in the mail for no development money at all.

We have to careful to remember that technology is not important for business.
 We always have to remember that the reason a company is in business is to
increasing shareholders wealth.  Why spend money to develop a system that
does not add to the bottom line.

If a system is put into place it has to pay for its self.

As a very wise person told me. "If your out go exceeds your income; your up
keep will be your downfall."


Stanley Pool
Spool Consulting L.L.C.

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