>> << The only advantage of supporting a XML format at the current time is that
>>  it is cheaper to implement for small partners. They can easily print a XML
>>  document for manual handling for practically nothing.  >>

> My question, in this case, why spend the money to develop XML at all.  Just
> send a fax or put the document in the mail for no development money at all.

yes, for SMEs fax and snail mail are adequate.  But the Internet is also an
adequate medium for 'doing EDI' with SMEs. We find it easier to convert from
an EDI format to XML and then from XML to HTML.  Then the SMEs can pick up
their 'EDI' messages on the web.

With XML, we developed a product we call 'WebEDI'. By spending money on XML,
*the sender* can lower the paper-based communication to SMEs.
SMEs like paper.  Big senders don't.


Kendrick Gibson
Atos GmbH               Phone   +49 (0)30-89-01-00
Division e & industry   Fax     +49 (0)30-89-01-0100
Ku'damm 119             10711 Berlin,  Germany
Grapes don't die;  they end up as raisins or as a fine wine.

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