You might help them out by sending an 861 Receiving Advice with current
cumulatives for them to rip and read. This, of course, would just be a check
for them, but if your suppliers need help, this might be a step in the right

Alternately, you might "recommend" to them any one of the "standalone"
ASN/EDI software packages for ASN generation which do maintain
cumulatives;or, I guess, you could provide them software to maintain
cumulatives; or, start imposing backcharges for inaccuracies. (I know, I
know, that makes me a devil).

But bottom line: if your suppliers are using disparate systems to generate
your ASNs, there's no such thing as a "universal bolt-on" to do what you

Bottom Line II: if you are the customer, you're paying the bill, and you are
entitled to demand performance from your vendors. They, of course, can
decide they don't want to do business with you if the administrative
expenses are too onerous. Ain't capitalism grand?

Michael Mattias
Tal Systems
Racine WI USA

----- Original Message -----
From: Wakelam Paul (RBAU/LOG) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 3:41 PM
Subject: ANSI . 830 schedules ( using cumes) - how do small vendors use t
hem if they are customer order based ?

> Greetings,
> I am working with some very small suppliers (each with less than 20
> who have EDI to improve up the ASN data quality .
> There EDI is non-integrated with their customers as they rip and read and
> this causes failures due to data entry errors.
> They manually enter because we send schedules using cumulative delivered
> they have a customer order based system with no system for reconciling or
> updating schedules.
> The business model can not be changed to order.
> Is there any software that will bolt on which does the following
> - takes inbound schedule ( maybe translating it maybe not)
> - compares the cumes with a current file of customer orders.
> - allows cumes adjustments and resetting.
> - produces an output file of changes to the customer order file which can
> then be interfaced?
> - when outbound ASNs go out update the cumes.
> regards Paul
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