Wesley Holder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked,

> Does anyone know if Mercator has an export capability, that allows you to
> extract the business rules. I'm thinking of a conversion type scenario.
> We're moving from Mercator to GE AI.

If you mean "Mercator the mapping product" and you want to know about
exporting the map rules, the answer is no.

Under v5 Mercator you can extract Type Trees to a documented  XML file, but
I never saw anything from the mapper other than "print."

Besides, Mercator map rules are not business rules; they are Mercator map
rules which interpret the business rules. The business rules were carefully,
lovingly and painstakingly documented and provided you by the end user.
Unfortunately, you must have gotten the rules from my clients, because they
sure as hell didn't give them to me in that format. Let me check to see if I
got yours.....

Michael C. Mattias
Tal Systems
Racine WI

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