Title: EDI service bureaus
My apologies to the group.  I was suffering from momentary dyslexia.  The correct e-mail address is:
        www.dcs-is-edi.com   (I had www.dsc-is-edi.com).
Sorry for the error.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: EDI service bureaus

Jasper -
I tried to take a look at your site and continually get a dead link on the URL below.  I checked at the NIC and they indicate the name is available for registration.  It's obviously "live"... I got your email.  Any advice??
Craig Wilson
TranSettlements, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jasper Abeyta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: EDI service bureaus

most of your questions can be answered with a yes.  I would suggest contacting an independent EDI Consulting firm.  Not because I happen to work for one, but because you will receive an impartial assessment of your needs.  Independents sell a solution, not necessarily a product.  Heck, we aren't even a VAR, so we are totally impartial.
Our web site, www.dsc-is-edi.com has links to most of the major EDI software providers, VANS, and national standards, as well as links to several Fortune 500 Guidelines.  We also have an incredible Power Point Demonstration on B2B applications.
Please feel free to contact myself, Jasper Abeyta, or our sales manager, John Farrell, at 952-941-5466.
Good Luck
John 3:16
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 8:45 AM
Subject: EDI service bureaus

We are looking into using an ASP to provide EDI services.  Specifically, that would take care of translation, etc. and pass XML to our applications (which might be at a different site), and of course the reverse when we need to send stuff back.

Is anyone else considering this?  Are there experiences/conclusions that you can share?

Is there a list anywhere of companies providing EDI products?  Providing EDI services?  Are there EDI organizations which provide such information?

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