Title: RE: Gentran Application EDI FLAT FILE Format


If the file that you have attached is from your customer, Have you customer supply the paper invoice for the data that is in the file.

From that you will be able to match the information from your system to the file format.

If your customer has the Gentran translator for the file, they should be able to print out the map either uses the file to create the EDI invoice file or the map that takes the EDI invoice date to create the file. Again, this will supply you with an understanding of what data the file represents.

I hope this helps.

Thomas J. Fennelly
EDI Team - Exton PA

A Georgia Pacific Co.
Phone: 610-280-5833
Cell Phone: 610-909-4223

    From:   Chris Hughes[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Reply To:       Chris Hughes
    Sent:   Wednesday, December 13, 2000 12:10 PM
    Subject:        FW: Gentran Application EDI FLAT FILE Format

    <<File: eg.inv>>
    Okay try again.

    Judging by some of the responses I've had it seems that this file is
    unique (or can be) for each user.

    To give a little bit of history, my company provides the accounting,
    distributing side of things and have just recently got this customer.
    They have had Gentran (on Win 95, dunno exact ver) for some years which
    used to integrate with their old system. Now we have to make it work
    with ours, I don't really want to change anything Gentran end so I just
    want to export to the same spec as their last system did.

    Is there a translation table (text file) that I could look at to get the
    spec for this invoice at all.

    I can't actually get at the Gentran machine so I need to get hold of
    this by explaining to somebody over the phone so the simpler the
    instructions the better

    I've attached an example of what their last system exported.

    Thanks to everyone who has already responded.


     -----Original Message-----
    From:   Chris Hughes
    Sent:   13 December 2000 16:31
    To:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
    Subject:        Gentran Application EDI FLAT FILE Format


    Does anybody have a copy of Gentrans EDI Invoices FLAT FILE Format.

    I am in the process of writing an export program from our financial
    software, to import into Gentran and send on to customers.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Chris Hughes

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