Hello Samir,

        The key to the delimiters in an X12 document is found in the ISA
record.  The 4th character of the ISA record is always your element
separator.  That is one of three key characters that CAN NOT be anywhere in
your data.  The standards give a variety of values that can be used,
including some non-printable values, to help you select a value that won't
be in your data.  The second "key character" is the 105th character of the
ISA record.  This is the sub-element separator.  Although sub-elements are
not used as extensively in X12 as they are in EDIFACT, there are times when
they can be used, so this value is always defined.  Again, this character
CAN NOT be used anywhere in your data.  The third "key character" is the
106th character.  This is your segment terminator, and is typically a
"CR/LF" or "~" value, but can be just about anything, as long as it is NOT
(a) the same as the 4th or 105th character of the ISA record, or (b) found
in the data.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message----
From: Samir Gulrajani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 9:15 PM
Subject: X12 method for escaping delimiters

This is a bit of newbie question.  What is the correct
way to send fields in X12 that have delimiter characters
like '*' in the middle of them.  i.e. what's the proper
way to escape these characters?

Thanks in advance to your answers on this question.


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