As to question 1, you can automate the process of passing back the EDI information
with the appropriate transaction number and the EDI IC# and GC# with the times that
the information was transmitted to the trading partner. This does require that
programming be accomplished to allow for the system to track outbound transactions
against the FA to close the loop. At the point where the outbound transaction is
generated, write a record to a table or file keyed by the transaction number.
This process can be accomplished by determining the files that are used to update the
history within the translator itself or modifying the jobs that process the history such
that the information is captured. Look at the documentation for your translator to
determine how the history update process is accomplished. Most of the afore mentioned
information is captured in a file somewhere either permanently or on a temporary basis.
The file format or layout should be in the documentation. If not, then get it from the
The programming requires that you look at the file for items that are not transmitted as a check
to see if the transaction got out, and acknowledged for those that did. It provides a
full proof way to close the loop and make the process exception driven instead of a full
blown manual reconciliation each day. It takes some time to build the process, but will save you
countless hours. Four years ago, we did the manual audit each day and it took one person
about 3.5 hours each day to check it and ensure that the transactions that were supposed to
get out did. Our audit technique was error prone to say the least as no one person audited
in the same manner. We now are able to reconcile using the automation in about ten minutes.
The cost benefit is that in a year, the number of hours used to reconcile each 24 hour
period for the year is 1044 hours. The time needed to check with automatic audit in place
would be at approximately 44 hours for the whole year. That's a difference of 1000 hours at
the basic labor rate of whatever. Assume $50.00 per hour with fringe, (the going rate in LA)
and that's a savings of about $50K a year. This assumption is that the reconciliation is
accomplished 5 times per week Monday through Friday using an average of 4 hours per day. If you
do it more then five times a week, then add the appropriate times for each method to the base
provided above. This also does not take into account the savings in float for the unbilled
orders or other such productivity losses.
This provides you with tools to ensure that the audit control is in place to track the outbound
data from your system. Without them, you are subject to a manual reconciliation to ensure that
everything that was supposed to go, went.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robyn Noble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:06 AM
Subject: Gentran questions
Hi Everybody!
I have a couple of quick Gentran questions that I am hoping
someone can help me with:
We currently are using Gentran Server for Windows NT running on
Windows 98 for EDI and we have an AS400 that everything else is
1) Any suggestions on how to check to make sure that for
outbound files everything that comes out of the AS400 makes it
all the way out to the VAN? Currently it is a manual and very
time consuming process where two different reports are from the AS400 and one from Gentran and a person has
to go through each making sure counts match. I know how
checks were done at my previous company but am hoping someone
here has a better solution.
2) Right now Gentran is running extremely slow, even just to
look up trading partner information and translating even one
document is painfully slow. I am working with someone from
Gentran to figure out what the problem is but was hoping
someone else on the list experienced this and could give me a
quick fix. This has been this way for a very long time.
There is only one computer that doesn't have this problem and
the only difference is that Windows NT is running on it not
Windows 98. I was told that is not the problem. Any/all
suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
I know this isn't the most exciting topic but this list has
without a doubt been one of the best resources I've ever had!
Have a great day!!
Robyn Noble
New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.
ECommerce Project Leader
Phone: 617-746-2509
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