> -----Original Message-----
> From: C Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: ELMS
> Greetings Good People:
> What is ELMS and how is it used to transmit EDI documents
> Thanks
> Charlotte

The "ELMS" I am familiar with is the

"E-DI L-SOG M-echanization S-pecification"

which is produced by TCIF (Tele Communications Industry

"LSOG" is "Local Service Ordering Guide". Under the
Telecommunications Competition Act of 1996, "ILECs"
(Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, such as Ameritech)
are required to let CLECs (Competing Local Exchange
Carriers) resell their local phone service, and provide
local connections between CLECs' networks and customer

LSOG is the specification for CLECs to place orders for
local service with ILECs - defining the forms and fields
composing an order. Such orders can be submitted on
paper (by fax, for instance).

ELMS is the specification for submitting such orders by

Are you in the CLEC business? If so, please contact me -
my company's product is "CLECware", and it does everything
from taking the end user's order to sending the EDI.

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