A perennial issue, where to put the customer specific data that is not regular or reoccuring.
We have a number of trading partners looking for us to return  PO data that doesn't really fit in within standard SAP sales order fields. Unfortunately, these partners are only receiving 810's from us. They do not send 850's. Purchase order info is communicated via phone, fax, etc. The partner specific data is contained on their PO and relates to customer GL accounts, ordering party user id's on their system, captial spending accounts, cost centres, etc.... We need to capture this info from our partner and include it as part of the outbound 810.
Our CSR's manually enter the data on the sales order and at billing time we map it to the 810. Up until now we have been using sales text and sales text identifiers to capture and pass the data on the outbound IDOC. This approach works but is prone to user error.
I have been reluctant to append the sales data tables and build a user interface in our system in order to satisfy a customer's data requirements. If we lose the customer the work is redundant.
I am curious how companies using SAP handle these requirements.
Roger Myers
Brenntag Canada

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