Try 4 sales people and all from Extol.  I have some private postings as well I
would love to share to show the professionalism of your organization.

Checking my ego at the door...

Wayne Stewart wrote:

> Being at least one, I think the only, salesperson who replied to this person
> let me explain my point. While I did say all sales people were not
> ethical/unethical my point was directed toward the programmers who are every
> bit as unethical and misrepresentative. They will use a sales person, drag
> them into a long waste of time and energy when they have absolutely no
> intention of ever making a purchase. The reason sales people go over the
> head of the programmer is to find out if a project is real, budgeted and to
> get other opinions of what is needed. I'm sure there are programmers who
> think they control the final decision on spending money or even the purchase
> criteria but I find it a rare case when the final decision isn't made by
> someone with a VP title after their name.
> I did not want to post this as an open reply because I felt it was not a
> relevant topic. When challenged I had to respond directly.
> Sales people are used and use other just like everyone else. Sometimes by
> answering a question or concern we try to open a dialog between people we
> see as candidates for our products. Just as Rachel Forrester would like to
> maintain her reputation she is also looking for consulting projects. We
> provide a service and expect to get the respect we deserve.
> And J. Glenn your ego is obvious in your postings, both private and public-
> your looks have nothing to do with it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of J. Glenn Thompson
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 10:11 AM
> Subject: Was RE: Don't Call Me . . . Don't Hang Up Now Same Old Song and
> Dance
>  Evidently some salespeople took offense to my soap box monologue about
> unethical salespeople, I repeat, unethical salespeople.  These
> individuals were naturally salesmen.  They went on to tell me that all
> salespeople were not unethical even though I stated that in my post.
> They then went on to tell me about their company and products.
> DON'T YOU GET IT!!!  This is exactly what I am talking about.
> Then these people who were supposedly making points of principle contact
> me offlist and berate me about my ego which is funny because I am a
> short, fat, bald guy.  I don't have an ego.  One of my goals is to
> someday obtain an ego.
> If their points of principle were so justified why not post it where
> everyone can see it.
> --
> Glenn Thompson
> Programmer/Analyst
> American Trouser, Inc.
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Glenn Thompson
American Trouser, Inc.

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