
I agree. Again, I'm not opposed to Yahoo per se....only concerned with the
potential to being a recipient of increased spam and porno messages.

Your point about censorship is valid, since I've seen this happen to other
lists hosted by organizations with vested interests. Perhaps we all need to
give the Yahoo based list time to establish itself and to demonstrate that
it will work and support the free and open exchange of ideas that we've come
to expect on this list.


> Your suggestion that DISA consider hosting a new EDI-L list is a good
> one......hello Alan Kotok or other DISA people on this list. What do you
> think? DISA already hosts other lists that support the work of many of the
> X12 subcommittees and their work groups plus the XML-EDI list. I would
> strongly support DISA hosing the new EDI-L list so that I can kill the
> ids I've had to set up.


One of the strengths of the UCOP list has been the wide acceptance of
different views. There is little chance of this continuing with a list
hosted by a "vested interest" such as DISA,
but yahoo probably would be free of this constraint.

The opposition to Yahoo is rather surprising. Why not give it a go until
there is evidence on which to make a decision?

BTW, I have just registered for the list and it seems to be working OK.
The other registrations that everyone seems unhappy with are not

Ken Steel                ICARIS Services
Email:                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives at

To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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