A new release of OBOE Open Business Objects for EDI has been posted on
the American Coders web site.  For more information and to download a
free version visit http://www.OpenBusinessObjects.com

OBOE translates between several  Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
document formats and EDI/XML files.  The package is targeted at legacy
EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the  Internet quickly
and easily using standards based technology.
The OBOE engine is available with an Open Source license.

Release 2.5.2 Sept. 20, 2001

  Major changes to classes and methods.

          Renamed method getReportError to getDocumentErrors in
          abstract class DocumentParser.

  Minor changes to classes and methods.

          Tokenizer class preparsing the first 107 bytes (ISA)
          segment will attempt to determine if length of ISA is
          correct. If it is too long OBOEExeption will be thrown. If
          it is too short an DocumentErrors object is log, processing
          attempts to continue but envelope will be marked as incorrect.

          X12DocumentParser after parsing a document if there were
          any errors in the DocumentErrors object the class would
          send all error messages to the System.err file and then
          throw an OBOEException.

          Class now simply throws an OBOEExcpetion with the following
          text "Parsing Errors. Count is "+dErr.getErrorCount() when
          the error count is greater than zero.

          Corrected validation logic in X12Envelope class

          Added logic to X12Envelope and X12FunctionalGroup to
          validate I12 control number field in their respective
          header/trailer segments.

          Added private method setHeaderTrailer to TransactionSet.
          Method attempts to locate the ST and SE or UNH and UNT
          segments for default setting and validation methods.

          Added logic to validate the X12 329 fields in the ST and SE

          X12DocumentParser did not make notifyEndFunctionalGroup call.

          OBOECodeGenerator class file was missing from Basic Edition
          jar file.

          Removed Extended Edition classes from Basic Edition

          Floating segments (X12's NTE) - several bugs.

            None of the getSegment methods looked for these types of

              Use the getSegment(String,int) method to get the segment.
              It will return null if the int value is wrong or the
              String value is wrong.

              Added method getFloatingSegmentCount()...

            The ValidXMLParser and EDIXMLParser classes incorrectly
            building NTE dataelement objects.

            SegmentContainer object holding floating segments
            getFormattedText method wrote floating segments out at
            the wrong time for XML request, after the container was

Joe McVerry, President and Chief Technical Officer
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
Home Of OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI
        xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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