I'd like to propose to split today's BIG packages in following ways:

==============Overview =================

1. Separate Industry standard definitions from UEFI and PI interfaces.
2. Separate UEFI and PI interfaces from implementations.
    a. Separate UEFI and PI interfaces to different packages
    b. Separate PI PEI, DXE and MM phase interfaces to different packages
3. Separate different features into feature packages.
    Feature interface may be in the feature package to provide minimal
    common interface packages.

The POC code is in https://github.com/jyao1/edk2/tree/ReOrg.
It basically split the EDKII common code to three directories:
Core/, Device/, and Feature/.
The code is in very early POC phase and only code in Core/ directory
can pass the build.
I would like to gather feedbacks through this RFC to see whether
this splitting direction makes sense.
Is there any other better ways of splitting?
Or perhaps do not split in such a small granularity?
Or perhaps Mike's work to move lib-c content to edk2-libc repo,
to move real platform code to edk2-platform repo is enough for

==============More explanations =================

####There are 9 packages inside Core/ directory:
1. BasePkg
Contains industry standard definitions (exclude UEFI and PI) and base
libraries that non-UEFI and non-PI development can depend on.
UEFI or PI development can also depend on this package.
2. UefiPkg
Contains UEFI interfaces and libraries that UEFI driver-model driver
development can depend on.
3. PiPeiPkg
Contains PI interfaces and libraries for PEI phase that PEI module
development can depend on.
4. PiDxePkg
Contains PI interfaces and libraries for DXE phase that DXE module
development can depend on.
5. PiMmPkg
Contains PI interfaces and libraries for MM phase that MM/SMM
module development can depend on.
6. MdeModulePkg (TianoPkg? Name is still TBD)
Contains Tiano implementation specific interfaces and libraries.
Developing modules for pure UEFI or PI should not depend on this package.
7. PeiFoundationPkg
Contains the PEI foundation modules (PeiCore and DxeIpl) and supported
8. DxeFoundationPkg
Contains the DXE foundation modules (DxeCore and RuntimeDxe) and
supported libraries.
9. SmmFoundationPkg
Contains the SMM foundation modules (SmmCore, SmmIpl and
SmmCommunicationBuffer) and supported libraries.

These packages are positioned in different layers. The package in higher
layer depends on all packages that are in lower layers.
Layer 0: BasePkg.
Layer 1: UefiPkg.
Layer 2: PiPeiPkg 
Layer 3: PiDxePkg
Layer 4: PiMmPkg
Layer 5: MdeModulePkg (TianoPkg?)

####All other modules are put to small packages under Device/ or Feature/.

============== Benefit of this proposal =================

This helps to reduce the size of each package, especially the very BIG
MdeModulePkg which contains almost all edk2 modules (except
CPU, network, etc). So platform can use git sparse checkout feature
to only clone the needed code still in package granularity.
This also helps to separate the code maintenance to more expert
developers. MdeModulePkg is just too huge to be maintained by 2 or 3

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