On 02/15/19 03:56, Rebecca Cran wrote:
> On 2/14/19 3:13 PM, Kinney, Michael D wrote:
>> You can review the groups.io features.  I think what you
>> want is available.  Stephano has also setup an edk2 area
>> in groups.io for community member to try out.
>>     https://groups.io/static/help#features
>> There are a number of CI services that are integrated with
>> GitHub.
>>     https://github.com/marketplace/category/continuous-integration
>> There is work to be done to enable one of these CI services
>> for edk2.  Stephano has a community task to evaluate and
>> select a CI service.
> Thanks, I'm cautiously optimistic that groups.io will maintain a nice
> email interface to the list(s). However I don't see any messages/topics
> (in https://edk2.groups.io/g/main), and it appears my test posts are
> being moderated: are there plans to start active testing at some point?

Yes, there are. I recommended the following steps yesterday, in a
discussion with Stephano. (Note: I think it was OK for Stephano to ping
me off-list; the mistake was on my side, when I also responded off-list.
The plan I was suggesting should have been public immediately.)

Given the setting, in the plan I referred to Stephano and myself as the
two testers collaborating. Obviously this plan can be executed by any
two contributors. For simplicity (and for fear of messing up the plan
with over-editing), I'll keep the plan as it was. Thanks.

(01) Stephano subscribes to the new list.
(02) I don't.
(03) I post a message to the new list address, with an attachment.
     I don't CC anyone personally.
(04) Stephano confirms whether he got the message through the list,
     including the attachment.
(05) If Stephano didn't get my message, he white-lists me, and we repeat
     steps (03) and (04).
(06) We check whether the archive of the new list offers both the
     message and the attachment.
(07) Stephano hits "Reply All" in his MUA. I should get one copy of his
     email (the direct one, as I'm not subscribed to the list).
(08) I subscribe.
(09) Stephano sends an email, addressing both the list and me. I should
     get two copies, with different email headers, suitable for
(10) I hit "Reply All".
(11) Stephano hits "Reply All".
(12) I check both locally, and in the web archive, whether the threading
     is nested (that is, not flattened), over steps (09) through (11).
(13) On all messages we receive from the list, we confirm that the
     "Reply-To" header is *absent*.
(14) I post a patch to the list, with git-send-email.
(15) I receive a copy of the patch, through the list.
(16) The patch is not corrupted; it applies well with git-am.
(17) The patch can be retrieved from the web achive, and it applies
     well with git-am.

Coordination around the steps, mid execution, can occur in off-list
(private) emails, or even on edk2-devel, if that's deemed better. (The
point is to avoid meta-traffic on the new list while we are testing the
new list.)


> I'm not sure I'll ever be a fan of Github but hopefully it's something
> we can move forward with - and I'll continue providing other services I
> feel are missing, from the server in my basement :)

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