Eric -

It is pretty clear from the spec that the value size for ordered list is 1 byte 
per container. See,

"Storage The set questions are stored as a Buffer with one byte for each 

There is no indication, either in the IFR or VFR specification that "option" 
values refer to  a single container value. There is also no indication in these 
specifications that an option is a 16-bit value.


From: Dong, Eric []
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [edk2] HII ORDERED_LIST support


I agree "Value of the question is the entire buffer, not just one byte." But I 
don't think "the value in a ONE_OF_OPTION is the value for the entire value 
storage, not just one byte of the value storage. "
Take below code for example, the value for this question is 0002,0001,0003,0004 
(8 byte), and the value type if buffer type. but for each option, the value is 
different(0002/0001/0003/004), and type is UINT16 (2 byte), not 8 byte.
                varid       = MyIfrNVData.BootOrder,
                prompt      = STRING_TOKEN(0x006D),
                help        = STRING_TOKEN(0x0059),
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x006F), value = 2, flags = 
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x006E), value = 1, flags = 
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x0070), value = 3, flags = 
              suppressif ideqval MyIfrNVData.BootOrderLarge == 0;
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x0071), value = 4, flags = 

so I think current issue for vfrcompile is it not restrict the data type for 
each container is 1 byte.

From: Tim Lewis []
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [edk2] HII ORDERED_LIST support

Eric -

For #1, this seems like a VFR compiler error, since the Form Browser does not 
place the container value in each element of the array (if the array is UINT16)

For #2, please refer to section, where it says:

"Storage The set questions are stored as a Buffer with one byte for each 

Then also see "Question values are a data type listed in Section" For an ordered list, the value is a Buffer (not one byte in a 
buffer) See also the Callback for CHANGING/CHANGED where the Ordered List value 
should be a buffer. The defaults says "Defaults are pre-defined 
question values." Options say they "give ...description of a particular 
question value" (

This means that the Value of the question is the entire buffer, not just one 

Consider this case: I want to set the default boot order to 5,6,7,8,0,2,4. I 
understand that it is useful to see the value as one byte, and this might work 
best for one-of, but not for default. In any case, either the Form Browser 
needs to be changed or the specification needs to be changed for the 
ordered-list case.


From: Dong, Eric []
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [edk2] HII ORDERED_LIST support


Add my comments below.

From: Tim Lewis []
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 12:40 AM
Subject: [edk2] HII ORDERED_LIST support

In DriverSampleDxe, the boot order item is listed in storage as:

  UINT16  BootOrder[8];

And here is the ordered list which manipulates this item:

                varid       = MyIfrNVData.BootOrder,
                prompt      = STRING_TOKEN(0x006D),
                help        = STRING_TOKEN(0x0059),
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x006F), value = 2, flags = 
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x006E), value = 1, flags = 
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x0070), value = 3, flags = 
              suppressif ideqval MyIfrNVData.BootOrderLarge == 0;
                option text = STRING_TOKEN(0x0071), value = 4, flags = 

This leads to a number of questions:

1)      The BootOrder is defined as UINT16, but the UEFI specification clearly 
states that an orderedlist will work on a buffer with one byte per container.  
(See where it says, "The set questions are stored as a Buffer with 
one byte for each Container."

[[[Eric]]] Truly spec has this description but vfrcompile and browser not do 
this check, also current code may already has samples which already violate 
this rule, so I need more discussion to provide a good proposal for this case.

[TIM] I am not worried about the actual struct members. BootOrder is 16 bytes 
(8 x sizeof(UINT16). So that means that MaxContainers will be 16, right? The 
VFR spec says: "NOTE: maxcontainers is optional, and the default value depends 
on the variable size defined by varid in vfrQuestionHeader" So it seems that, 
even though the code will work, using UINT8

BootOrder[16] would be easier to understand than UINT16 BootOrder[8]"

[[[Eric]]] Base on current implementation, the maxcontainer value is the array 
size. So for "UINT16 BootOrder[8]", the maxcontainer = 8 and for "UINT8 
BootOrder[16]", the maxcontainer = 16. I think we need to add check for the 
code first, only support one byte for each container.

2)      The option values are all integers. But the storage type of an ordered 
list is a BUFFER. To me this implies (I haven't looked this up) that the value 
an option is being used as the option for a single container. That makes sense, 
but it is not the behavior described in the UEFI specification. Also, there 
seems to be no way to create a value for a question of type buffer.

[[[Eric]]] no catch what's your mean is.

[TIM] For example, for "oneof" the value storage size is UINT8/UINT16/UINT32 or 
UINT64. The value storage size for "checkbox" is BOOLEAN. But what is the value 
storage size of "orderedlist" When I read the UEFI specification, the "value 
storage size" of orderedlist is maxcontainers x sizeof(UINT8). So, if 
maxcontainers is 16, then 16 bytes. BUT: the size of the value in an "option" 
inside the "orderedlist" in these examples is sizeof(UINT8), not maxcontainers 
x sizeof(UINT8).

According to the UEFI specification, as I read it today, the value in a 
ONE_OF_OPTION is the value for the entire value storage, not just one byte of 
the value storage.  So every container  in the ordered list value should be set 
to 2 when the first "ONE_OF_OPTION" (in the example above) is selected by the 

[[[Eric]]] I can't find this information from the spec, which page in UEFI spec 
2.4b describe it?

But I do not believe this is what the EDK2 Form browser does today. I believe 
that it only changes a single container to the value 2 (not the whole buffer).

3)      Likewise, there seems to be no way to provide a default for an ordered 

[[[Eric]]] yes, ordered list opcode just base on the current option order to 
set the default value. For your above example, the default value is 2,1,3,4.

[TIM] If I put a "default = 2" in the example above, will it set one container 
to "2" or all containers to "2" Again, this is a problem with the way the 
specification describes values for ordered list opcodes. It is fairly clear 
that the EDK2 form browser takes a different approach than the current 

Here is an example display:

Boot Order: [boot order 1] [boot order 2][boot order 3][boot order 4][boot 
order 5][boot order 6][boot order 7][boot order 8]

Each [boot order x] is a container. If the user goes to [boot order 2] and uses 
one of the ONE_OF_OPTION pre-defined values, does it change only [boot order 2] 
or all [boot order x]?  Now, what does the UEFI specification say should happen?

[[[Eric]]] what's your mean of "uses one of the ONE_OF_OPTION pre-defined 
values"?  for ordered list opcode, we can only change the order of the options, 
can't only select one option, I don't know your means about this sample?

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