What does this buy us?

Can't the GCC44-49 toolchains be used under a msys bash shell to
achieve basically the same thing without adding a new toolchain?

I would rather see us remove the similar 'CYGGCC' toolchain, but it
seems that once we add a toolchain we can never remove it. (See also,
ELFGCC, which I think should be deprecated as well.)


On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 10:33 PM, Gao, Liming <liming....@intel.com> wrote:
> Scott:
>   I try using MINGW Make, it can pass build. The change is
> +*_MINGW_*_MAKE_PATH          = ENV(MS_MISC_BIN)\nmake.exe
> +*_MINGW_*_MAKE_FLAGS         = /nologo
> ==>
> *_MINGW_*_MAKE_PATH          = DEF(MINGW_BINIA32)make
> *_MINGW_*_MAKE_FLAGS        =
>   And, I try X64 build and find the error message that "rem" can't be found.  
> Then, I remove SYMRENAME step and get build pass. The change is:
> Tools_def.txt
> Build_rule.txt
>     <Command.ARMGCC, Command.ARMLINUXGCC, Command.MINGWGCC>
>         "$(CC)" $(CC_FLAGS) -o ${dst} $(INC) ${src}
> Thanks
> Liming
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Duplichan [mailto:sc...@notabs.org]
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 2:08 PM
> To: edk2-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [edk2] BaseTools: Add MINGW tool chain
> Gao, Liming [mailto:liming....@intel.com] wrote:
> ]Scott:
> ] Does MINGW base on GCC? If yes, is it similar to which version GCC?
> ] If I verify the code in MINGW tool chain, do I need to verify it in ] 
> native GCC tool chain?
> Hello Liming,
> The MINGW compilers are built from the same gcc source code that the Linux 
> versions are built from. I have been testing with gcc 4.9.0. A build from 
> source code test of gcc 4.8.2 works. The same build script supports versions 
> back to 4.6.2, so those should be easy to build too.
> Your question about verifying gcc builds using MINGW is a good one.
> I think the errors/warnings would match 99%. The reason they could differ is 
> that sizeof (long) is 4 for MINGW, yet I believe it is 8 for Linux gcc 
> builds. This difference would not affect most EDK2 code because EDK2 uses 
> UINT32, UINT64, etc. But some of the ported code uses int, long, etc. So 
> warnings from that ported code could differ for MINGW and Linux builds of the 
> same gcc compiler.
> ] For size issue, have you compared the size between native GCC tool ] chain 
> and MINGW tool chain?
> I have not done that, but I will do it tomorrow. I believe the MINGW gcc 
> compiler will generate the same code as its Linux counterpart, except for 
> cases where the difference in sizeof (long) is a factor.
> There can also be some differences due to non-code sections of the image. I 
> was finally able to strip enough non-code sections to get all of the 18 test 
> builds I ran to pass using MINGW/Windows.
> Gcc built EDK2 modules are much bigger than their Microsoft built 
> counterparts. This is true for MINGW gcc builds, and presumable true for 
> Linux gcc builds. Gcc code generation and size optimization is good. The 
> problem is that EDK2 is not yet using the gcc link time optimization feature. 
> Link time code generation and optimization is especially important for EDK2. 
> With the Microsoft compiler's link time code generation, a fixed at build 
> time PCD acts like a defined constant. A large section of code inside an "if 
> (MyPCD)" can be completely removed if MyPCD is zero. With gcc, the compiler 
> is generating code to check the PCD at run time using a function call, and 
> that prevents removal of the unneeded code. The gcc link time code generation 
> feature is working well enough for use on large projects such as Mozilla 
> Firefox, so it should be usable for EDK2. I wanted to test it, but it turns 
> out this is not possible using Windows builds of gcc. The problem is that a 
> gcc 'linker plugin' feat
 ure has not been ported for use on Windows. The linker plugin is needed for 
link time code generation when static libraries are used. Without it, link time 
cod generation works only for object files. The EDK2 build makes heavy use of 
static libraries, so I think the linker plugin is essential.
> For now, Linux will be the only way to test link time optimization.
> ] For Nasm issue in BaseLib, MINGW output is COFF format. So, NASM_FLAGS ] 
> should be -f win32 and -f win64. I just try them and pass build.
> Thank you for debugging this problem. Your fix works perfectly for me too.
> ] For tool_def.txt, on MAKE and RC path, could we directly use make and ] 
> objcopy from MINGW like the native GCC tool chain? If so, MINGW is a ] 
> standalone tool chain.
> In theory, the answer is yes. MINGW has its own resource compiler, 
> windres.exe. Make is the big challenge. I am not much of a make file expert, 
> so it will take a while to get it going. One approach is to build EDK2 from 
> an msys2 bash prompt. This is how gcc and other gnu projects can be built 
> from Windows. I made a brief try using this method but encountered a python 
> crash early on. Running the MINGW build of gnu make from cmd.exe is another 
> possibility. A quick test using this method ends with an "No rule to make 
> target"
> error. I need to compare the make debug output from Linux and Windows.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> ]
> ]+*_MINGW_*_MAKE_PATH          = ENV(MS_MISC_BIN)\nmake.exe
> ]+*_MINGW_IA32_RC_PATH         = ENV(MS_MISC_BIN)\rc.exe
> ]
> ]Thanks
> ]Liming
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Duplichan [mailto:sc...@notabs.org]
> Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2014 11:42 AM
> To: edk2-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [edk2] BaseTools: Add MINGW tool chain
> Nikolai Saoukh [mailto:n...@otdel-1.org] wrote:
> ]I was under impression that mingw-win64 can be used for X64 AND IA32 builds.
> You are right. Thanks for pointing that out. The revised email and patch 
> follows.
> I also added the requirement for an environment variable pointing to 
> Microsoft nmake.exe and rc.exe. Still needed is nasm.exe and iasl.exe, but 
> these work the same as with Microsoft tool chains.
> --
> Here is a work in progress patch for those building X64 or IA32 targets from 
> Windows. It allows building with gcc instead of a Microsoft compiler.
> Building has been tested with Windows 7 x64 using MINGW archives from 
> http://www.drangon.org/mingw/ or 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64-dgn/files/mingw-w64/
> Unpack mingw-w64-bin-x86_64-20140425.7z and set environment variable
> MINGW64 to its path. Also set environment variable MINGW32 to its path.
> Set environment variable MS_MISC_BIN to a directory containing Microsoft 
> nmake.exe and rc.exe. For example, the bin\x86 directory of DDK-7600:
> http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11800.
> Apply the patch then build using -t MINGW. It's that easy. No unix shell port 
> is involved. Just build from a cmd.exe prompt as normal.
> Because mingw requires no install or setup, your registry, path and other 
> environment variables are unaffected.
> The MINGW port of gcc brings C99 support to those using Windows to develop 
> EDK2 code. Wouldn't it be nice if one day UEFI could drop support for non-C99 
> compilers so that C99 features could be used in the code? There is actually a 
> lot of work to be done before gcc could replace Microsoft tools. One problem 
> is that some UEFI source level debuggers understand only Microsoft debug 
> information. Another problem is that right now gcc is producing bigger code. 
> Getting gcc link time optimization working may solve this problem. Build 
> speed with MINGW is not quite as fast as with Microsoft tools, but it is 
> reasonable.
> For example, a test of 18 builds that takes 523 seconds using VS2008 takes 
> 694 seconds using MINGW.
> Index: BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template 
> ===================================================================
> --- BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template   (revision 16195)
> +++ BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template   (working copy)
> @@ -4815,6 +4815,103 @@
> ####################################################################################
>  #
> +# Mingw GCC And Intel ACPI Compiler
> +#
> +####################################################################################
> +#   MINGW        - MINGW GCC
> +#   ASL           - Intel ACPI Source Language Compiler (iasl.exe)
> +*_MINGW_*_*_FAMILY           = GCC
> +
> +DEFINE MINGW_BINIA32         = ENV(MINGW32)\bin\
> +DEFINE MINGW_BINX64          = ENV(MINGW64)\bin\
> +
> +*_MINGW_*_MAKE_PATH          = ENV(MS_MISC_BIN)\nmake.exe
> +*_MINGW_IA32_DLINK_FLAGS     = DEF(GCC_IA32_X64_DLINK_COMMON) -m i386pe  
> --entry _$(IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT) --file-alignment 0x20 --section-alignment 0x20 
> -Map $(DEST_DIR_DEBUG)/$(BASE_NAME).map --image-base=0 --strip-all
> +*_MINGW_X64_DLINK_FLAGS      = DEF(GCC_IA32_X64_DLINK_COMMON) -m i386pep 
> --entry  $(IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT) --file-alignment 0x20 --section-alignment 0x20 
> -Map $(DEST_DIR_DEBUG)/$(BASE_NAME).map --image-base=0 --strip-all
> --entry _ReferenceAcpiTable -u $(IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT) --strip-all
> --entry  ReferenceAcpiTable -u $(IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT) --strip-all
> +
> +*_MINGW_*_MAKE_FLAGS         = /nologo
> +
> +##################
> +# IA32 definitions
> +##################
> +*_MINGW_IA32_CC_PATH         = DEF(MINGW_BINIA32)gcc
> +*_MINGW_IA32_ASM_PATH        = DEF(MINGW_BINIA32)gcc
> +*_MINGW_IA32_PP_PATH         = DEF(MINGW_BINIA32)gcc
> +*_MINGW_IA32_APP_PATH        = DEF(MINGW_BINIA32)gcc
> +*_MINGW_IA32_RC_PATH         = ENV(MS_MISC_BIN)\rc.exe
> +
> +*_MINGW_IA32_CC_FLAGS        = DEF(GCC_ALL_CC_FLAGS) -m32 -Os -malign-double 
> -mno-stack-arg-probe -fomit-frame-pointer -Wno-error
> +*_MINGW_IA32_PP_FLAGS        = DEF(GCC_PP_FLAGS) -m32
> +*_MINGW_IA32_APP_FLAGS       = -m32
> +*_MINGW_IA32_OBJCOPY_FLAGS   = --remove-section .idata --remove-section 
> .edata
> +*_MINGW_IA32_SYMRENAME_FLAGS = --remove-section .idata --remove-section 
> .edata
> +*_MINGW_IA32_NASM_FLAGS      = -f elf32
> +
> +##################
> +# X64 definitions
> +##################
> +*_MINGW_X64_CC_PATH          = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)gcc
> +*_MINGW_X64_ASM_PATH         = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)gcc
> +*_MINGW_X64_PP_PATH          = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)gcc
> +*_MINGW_X64_APP_PATH         = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)gcc
> +*_MINGW_X64_VFRPP_PATH       = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)gcc
> +*_MINGW_X64_ASLCC_PATH       = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)gcc
> +*_MINGW_X64_ASLPP_PATH       = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)gcc
> +*_MINGW_IA32_RC_PATH         = ENV(MS_MISC_BIN)\rc.exe
> +*_MINGW_X64_OBJCOPY_PATH     = DEF(MINGW_BINX64)objcopy
> +
> +*_MINGW_X64_CC_FLAGS         = DEF(GCC_X64_CC_FLAGS) -m64 -Wno-error
> +*_MINGW_X64_PP_FLAGS         = DEF(GCC_PP_FLAGS) -m64
> +*_MINGW_X64_ASM_FLAGS        = DEF(GCC_ASM_FLAGS) -m64
> +*_MINGW_X64_APP_FLAGS        = -m64
> +*_MINGW_X64_OBJCOPY_FLAGS    = --remove-section .pdata --remove-section 
> .xdata
> +*_MINGW_X64_SYMRENAME_FLAGS  = Symbol renaming not needed for
> +*_MINGW_X64_RC_FLAGS         = DEF(GCC_X64_RC_FLAGS)
> +*_MINGW_X64_NASM_FLAGS       = -f elf64
> +
> +##################
> +# EBC definitions
> +##################
> +
> +*_MINGW_EBC_PP_PATH       = DEF(EBC_BIN)\iec.exe
> +*_MINGW_EBC_CC_PATH       = DEF(EBC_BIN)\iec.exe
> +*_MINGW_EBC_DLINK_PATH    = DEF(EBC_BIN)\link.exe
> +*_MINGW_EBC_SLINK_PATH    = DEF(EBC_BIN)\link.exe
> +*_MINGW_EBC_RC_PATH       = ENV(MS_MISC_BIN)\rc.exe
> +
> +*_MINGW_EBC_CC_FLAGS      = /nologo /c /WX /W3 /FIAutoGen.h 
> +*_MINGW_EBC_DLINK_FLAGS   = "C:\Program Files\Intel\EBC\Lib\EbcLib.lib" 
> +
> +#######################################################################
> +#############
> +#
>  # Elf GCC - This configuration is used to compile on Linux boxes to produce 
> elf
>  #           binaries.
>  #
> Index: BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/GenMake.py
> ===================================================================
> --- BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/GenMake.py  (revision 16195)
> +++ BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/GenMake.py  (working copy)
> @@ -679,7 +679,11 @@
>                      NewFile = self.PlaceMacro(str(F), self.Macros)
>                      # In order to use file list macro as dependency
>                      if T.GenListFile:
> -                        self.ListFileMacros[T.ListFileMacro].append(str(F))
> +                        # gnu tools need forward slash path separater, even 
> on Windows
> +                        if self.PlatformInfo.ToolChainFamily in ('GCC'):
> +                            
> self.ListFileMacros[T.ListFileMacro].append(str(F).replace ('\\', '/'))
> +                        else:
> +
> + self.ListFileMacros[T.ListFileMacro].append(str(F))
>                          self.FileListMacros[T.FileListMacro].append(NewFile)
>                      elif T.GenFileListMacro:
>                          self.FileListMacros[T.FileListMacro].append(NewFile)
> Index: MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf
> ===================================================================
> --- MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf  (revision 16195)
> +++ MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf  (working copy)
> @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
>    Ia32/DisableCache.asm | INTEL
>    Ia32/GccInline.c | GCC
> -  Ia32/Thunk16.nasm | GCC
> +  Ia32/Thunk16.S | GCC
>    Ia32/EnableDisableInterrupts.S | GCC
>    Ia32/EnablePaging64.S | GCC
>    Ia32/DisablePaging32.S | GCC
> @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
>    X86DisablePaging64.c
>    X86DisablePaging32.c
>    X64/GccInline.c | GCC
> -  X64/Thunk16.nasm | GCC
> +  X64/Thunk16.S | GCC
>    X64/SwitchStack.S | GCC
>    X64/SetJump.S | GCC
>    X64/LongJump.S | GCC
> Index: StdLib/EfiSocketLib/EfiSocketLib.inf
> ===================================================================
> --- StdLib/EfiSocketLib/EfiSocketLib.inf        (revision 16195)
> +++ StdLib/EfiSocketLib/EfiSocketLib.inf        (working copy)
> @@ -68,3 +68,6 @@
>    gEfiUdp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid
>    gEfiSocketProtocolGuid
>    gEfiSocketServiceBindingProtocolGuid
> +
> +[BuildOptions]
> +  GCC:*_MINGW_*_CC_FLAGS = -D__attribute__(weak)=
> Index: StdLib/Include/X64/machine/limits.h
> ===================================================================
> --- StdLib/Include/X64/machine/limits.h (revision 16195)
> +++ StdLib/Include/X64/machine/limits.h (working copy)
> @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
>  #define __POINTER_BIT   64
> -#if defined(__GNUC__)
> +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_WIN32)
>  #if __GNUC_PREREQ__(4,4)
>    #define __LONG_BIT      64
> --
> Thanks,
> Scott
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