Rather than use experimental designs which are
constructed to meet criteria irrelevant to your
problem, you might consider Latin hypercubes or a
numerical sequence such as a Faure sequence. These
are space filling structures that might make good
starting sets. Latin hypercubes may be easiest for
you. The columns of a Latin hypercube are
permutations of the same set of values, say the
integers 1 to N. Each column uses a different
peurmutation. See McKay, et.al. (1979) A
comparison of three methods for selection values
of input vriables in the analysis of output from a
computer code. Technometics. 21-2. 239-245.

"L. D. Marks" wrote:
> I am looking for software (GNU preferable) that will give possible DOE
> runs for N factors (all of which have 2 levels). I want some flexibility
> in how many runs I choose to make. Any suggestions?
> N.B. N will be anything from 20-120, and the number of runs should
> ideally be in the range 1000-4000. The levels are discrete (bits in
> fact) and would be used as initial input for a genetic search algorithm.
> I don't need the "best", rather something better than choosing values
> randomly. (We have confirmed in test cases that a DOE or
> error-correcting
> code starting point is better than random values.)
> --
> Laurence Marks
> Department of Materials Science and Engineering
> Northwestern University
> Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.numis.nwu.edu
> Workshop at LBL May 17-19 2001 "New approaches to the Phase Problem"
> http://xraysweb.lbl.gov/esg/phasing/index.html

Bob Wheeler --- (Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
        ECHIP, Inc.

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