I have a student coming in later to talk about a regression problem.
Based on what he's told me so far he is going to be using predicting
inter-response intervals to predict inter-stimulus intervals (or vice

What bothers me is that he will be collecting data from multiple trials
for each subject and then treating the trials as independent replicates.
That is, assuming 10 tials/S and 10 S he will act as if he has 100
independent data points for calculating a bivariate regression.
Obviously these are not independent data points.
Is the non-independence likely to be severe enough to warrant concern?
If yes, is there some method that will allow him to get the prediction
equation he wants?

Michael M. Granaas
Associate Professor                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology
University of South Dakota             Phone: (605) 677-5295
Vermillion, SD  57069                  FAX:   (605) 677-6604
All views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of the University of South Dakota, or the South
Dakota Board of Regents.

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