On 12 Mar 2001 14:25:41 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Radford Neal)

[ snip, baseball game; etc. ] 
> In this context, all that matters is that there is a difference.  As
> explained in many previous posts by myself and others, it is NOT
> appropriate in this context to do a significance test, and ignore the
> difference if you can't reject the null hypothesis of no difference in
> the populations from which these people were drawn (whatever one might
> think those populations are).

So far as I remember, you are the only person who imagined that
procedure,  "do a test and ignore ... if you can't reject...."  Oh,
maybe Jim, too.

I know that I was explicit in saying otherwise.  I said something
like,  If your data aren't good enough so you can quantify this mean
difference with a t-test, you probably should not be offering means as
evidence.  And,  Many of us statisticians find tests to be useful,
even when they are not wholly valid.  As evidence, I pointed to the
(over-) acceptance of observational studies in epidemiology.  I think
I made those arguments at least two or three times, each.

As it turns out, the big gap in the "scores" makes those averages
dubious, even though a t-test *is*  nominally significant.  
(That's so, when computed on X  or on log(X),  but not so, on  1/X.)

And then, as I later discovered, the arguments and the 
style of the original report make Jim's criticism tenuous.  
Even if you were to illustrate how all the males have 
out-achieved all the females, by one criterion or by several 
criteria, you would not discredit the decision of the dean --  
Wasn't  the report was talking more about 
'what all our faculty deserve'  instead of what's earned by
individuals?  You guys have skipped that half.


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