"Mark W. Humphries" wrote:

> If I understand correctly the t test, since it takes into account degrees of
> freedom, is applicable whatever the sample size might be, and has no
> drawbacks that I could find compared to the z test. Have I misunderstood
> something?

>From my class notes (which, in this case, are a reporting of
made by Mosteller and Tukey)...

Frederick Mosteller and John Tukey, on pages 5-7 of Data Analysis
and Regression [Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc., 1997] provide insight into what Student
really did and how it should affect our choice of test. 

     The value of Student's work lay not in great numerical change,
but in: 

recognition that one could, if appropriate assumptions held, make
allowances for the "uncertainties" of small samples, not only in
Student's original problem, but in others as well; 

provision of a numerical assessment of how small the necessary
numerical adjustment of confidence points were in Student's

presentation of tables that could be used--in setting confidence
limits, in making significance tests--to assess the uncertainty
associated with even very small samples. 

     Besides its values, Student's contribution had its drawbacks,

it made it too easy to neglect the proviso "if appropriate
assumptions held"; 

it overemphasized the "exactness of Student's solution for his
idealized problem"; 
it helped to divert the attention of theoretical statisticians to
the development of "exact" ways of treating
          other problems; and 
it failed to attack the "problem of multiplicity": the difficulties
and temptation associated with the application of large numbers of
tests to the same data.

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